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Jeremy Stine
Chairman, Senate

Rep. Mark Wright
Chairman, House

Sen. Cameron Henry
Senate President

Rep. Phillip DeVillier
Speaker of the House

Cordially Invite You To The



Sunday, May 4, 2025
 & Platinum Cocktail Reception at 5:30PM - 6:30PM*
Dinner at 6:30PM - 8:00PM+

Louisiana Governor's Mansion
1001 Capitol Access Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Cocktail or Business Attire

*$10k plus donors only    +$25k plus donors only

FALL 2025

Monday, May 5, 2025
VIP Cocktail Reception at 5:3
0PM - 6:30PM
Gala, Dinner & Dancing at 6:30PM - 9

Louisiana Governor's Mansion
1001 Capitol Access Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Country Club Chic Attire

or Make Payable and Mail to:

Republican Legislative Delegation Campaign Committee
P.O. Box 44422
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4422


Sponsorship Levels

Premier Sponsor:  $25,000 (Limited Availability)

Soiree: 2 tickets to Reception & Dinner at Governor's Mansion, photo opportunity

Golf: 4 person team. 18 holes of golf, two golf carts, signage at two holes, recognition, awards luncheon and prizes.

Gala: Commemorative Gift, 10 tickets to the Gala, 4 tickets to the VIP Reception and special recognition.

Platinum Sponsor:  $10,000

Soiree: 2 tickets to Reception at Governor's Mansion, photo opportunity

Golf: 4 person team. 18 holes of golf, two golf carts, signage at one hole, recognition, awards luncheon and prizes.

Gala: Corporate Gift, 8 tickets to the Gala, 4 tickets to the VIP Reception and special recognition.

Gold Sponsor:  $7,500
Golf: 2 person team. 18 holes of golf, two golf carts, signage at one hole, recognition, awards luncheon and prizes.
Gala: Corporate Gift, 6
 tickets to the Gala, 2 tickets to the VIP Reception and special recognition.

Silver Sponsor: $2,500
Golf: 1 Golfer. 18 holes of golf, a golf cart, recognition, awards luncheon and prizes.
Gala: 4 tickets to the Gala, 1 tickets to the VIP Reception.

Golf Only

Drink Sponsor: $1,000  (Only 2 Available)
Company name or logo at bar. Recognition on event material. Two attendees to golf event. No Golf.

Digital Bay Sponsor:  $500  (Only 24 Available)
Company name or logo on signage.  Host the hole where the contest is held. Recognition on event material. Two attendees to golf event. No Golf.

Longest Drive Sponsor: $500  (Only 1 Available)
Company name or logo on signage.  Host the hole where the contest is held. Recognition on event material.

Gala Only

VIP Tickets:  $1,500 
1 ticket to the Gala, 1 ticket to the VIP Reception

Event Tickets:  $700
2 tickets to the Gala

Individual Ticket: $350
1 ticket to the Gala


Contact (225)406-7431 or for more information.

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